欖菜肉鬆鮮竹筍 - Stir Fried Minced Pork Preserved Olive Vegetable
準備時間: 12 (分鐘) 烹調時間: 12 (分鐘) 烹調方法: 炒 困難度: 中級 食用人數: 4 (人) 材料 竹筍/冬筍 200 克 [切片] 免治豬肉 [剁碎豬肉] 100 克 [或雞肉] 欖菜 1 湯匙 雙璜醇釀頭抽 1...
Jimmy’s Saté Sauce by Fig Jam and Lime Cordial
When we were in our mid-20s, Pete and I discovered Jimmy’s Saté Sauce. In the beginning, we used it straight out of the jar as a stir-fry...
Satay, Peanuts, Peanut Butter May Hold Key to Preventing Obesity?
Hispanic middle school children, at high risk for being overweight or obese, reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) when they adhered to a...
Satay beef soup noodles - 沙爹牛肉湯伊麵
Ingredients (Serves 3) Noodles 150 g, beef 250 g [12 sheets], 100 g of cabbage, 1 1/4 liter of hot water, #myjimmysate 3 tbs, Salt to...
Squid in Sate Sace - 沙爹鮮魷
Serves: 2 Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Ingredients 1 whole squid 1 green, red and yellow pepper sliced 3 spring...
How Sate is Made? 沙爹如何練成?
Day Day Cook Sate Beef - 沙茶牛肉
係經典嘅家常小菜,用惹味嘅沙茶醬調起牛肉鮮味,快手炒一炒就得,先可以保持牛肉嘅嫩滑,話咁快就有得食啦! Full recipe: http://ow.ly/YKAxc 食譜: http://ow.ly/YKAMA #Satay #myjimmysate...
Rice Noodles with Beef in Sate Sauce - 沙爹牛河
河粉本來就很容易吸收其他材料的味道,加上沙爹醬,真的非常惹味。今晚就試下呢道【沙爹牛河】啦! Recipe for Rice Noodles with Beef in Sate Sauce: http://ow.ly/YKyS4 ...
SATAY這種食物,大家都爭着說是他們發明的,連潮州人也說是由他們帶到南洋。 據我的了解,SATAY一字,是馬來文,但馬來文化來自印尼,老祖宗應該是印尼人,而發音成「沙茶」,是因為閩南話和潮州話中,茶叫成TAY,是個譯音。道理是過番到南洋的福建和潮州人眾多,他們的沙嗲也只限...
Yummy Fried Pork Chop - 香煎惹味豬扒
Ingredients (Serves 4) : Pork 450 g [ cut into thick slices ] , garlic 1 tablespoon [ chopped ] , shredded lemon peel 1/2 , cooking wine...