Satay Potatoes - 沙爹馬鈴薯仔
Ingredients 800g potatoes, either baby new potatoes or a larger, floury variety,2 tsp salt 2 cloves garlic,2.5 tbs vegetable oil, 2 tbs...
Satay Cucumber Salad - 青瓜沙爹沙律
Serve 3 | Total Time: 20 Minutes Ingredients: 1 lb cucumber, cut into pieces,1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 small red onion, sliced 2 tbs...
BBQ Chicken Skewers With Sate Sauce - 串燒雞肉
Barbecue is one of the time-honoured cooking traditions, best to let the meat cook slowly in low or medium flame/heat to prevent the meat...
Chicken Satay Burger 1.0 - 沙爹雞肉漢堡包
Looking forward the 2.0 version satay burger with Jimmy's Sate Sauce. For the burger (4): 1 pound ground chicken,1 1/2 tbsp coconut...
Satay Chicken Skewer - 沙嗲雞肉串燒
Like to taste satay chicken skewer by different recipes as it is always so yummy! Ingredients 400g Chicken thigh meat, skinless, 30g...
Spiralized Satay cucumber salad with Halloumi - 沙爹黃瓜沙律
Jimmy’s sate sauce is really rich and taste really good, it’s one of the best I’ve tasted that you can buy in a jar, it’s a little pricy...
Satay prawn skewers - 沙爹大蝦串燒
Ingredients (Serves 4 ) Prawn 300g , bell pepper 1 pc , canned pineapple 3 slices Marinade: black pepper sauce 2tbs , cooking wine 1...
Healthy spring rolls with sate sauce
I always forget how much I enjoy these easy to make spring rolls. The last time we made them was for a party at our house, everyone loved...
Good Satay to memories - 回憶中的好時沙爹😂😱😢
蔡欄說:「食物美味與否,在於比較。」從比較累積的經驗便成為個人的主觀標準,一大票的主觀標準經時間的驗證,便成為了相對客觀的準則,即味道的普世價值了。隨著年月的累積,這些普世價值便成了所謂的「正宗」。而正宗之所以重要和為人所堅執,是因為正宗意味著味道獲得大多數人認同和稱道。 ...
Satay Beef Bread - 沙爹牛肉包
一個沙爹牛肉包配一杯港式奶茶,絕配!只應香港有😋😋😋 Ingredients (Serves 3) Bread 3ea, Beef 300 g [sliced], Onion(s) 90 g [cut into pieces], #myjimmysate 60 g...