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Sweet Potato in Sate Sauce - 椰香番薯

Sweet Potato in Sate Sauce - 椰香番薯
Sweet Potato in Sate Sauce - 椰香番薯

Ingredients (Serves 2) Sweet potato(es) 400 g [1 pc, peeled and cubed], #myjimmysate 4 tbsp, Coconut milk 3 tbsp Method Steam sweet potato on high heat for about 15 minutes until done. Drain and cool. Stir in seasoning mix (#myjimmysate and coconut milk). Serve hot or cold. 材料 (2人份量) 番薯 400 克 [1 個, 去皮及切成大粒],#正味沙爹醬 4 湯匙,椰漿 3 湯匙 做法 番薯用大火蒸約15分鐘至熟,瀝乾,待涼後拌入調味料(#正味沙爹醬 和椰漿),熱吃或冷吃均可。

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